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Strengthen your muscles to prevent back pain

To reduce your risk of low back pain, combine good habits with sports. There are simple exercises that can be done at home with equipment that everyone can afford, and whose benefits are recognized by health professionals.

Published on 30 September 2020 - Manut-LM

The dorsal sheathing

With this exercise, you will strengthen the paravertebral muscles and those of the posterior chain, which includes the glutes, hamstrings, cervical spine, etc. On all fours, extend one leg back and the opposite arm straight out in front of you. Your arm, trunk and leg are then aligned. Repeat these movements several times, alternating arms and legs.

The lower back

The paravertebral muscles and the lumbar area will be more muscular after this exercise, which requires a little more training than the other. Lie on your stomach, supported by a cushion. With arms and legs stretched out, you have to take off your trunk and then both legs and strongly contract your buttocks. Make small beats with your legs and arms for 20 seconds and then release. It is important to keep the thighs, pelvis and trunk in alignment without arching the back.

The upper back

You will mainly train the large back muscles and the trapezius in this exercise. Attach a rubber band to a wall support such as a doorknob, stair railing, etc., then standing with legs slightly bent, back straight and abs tight, hold the ends of the band in each hand and pull, elbows at shoulder height, until your shoulder blades are close together. Blow out while pulling the elastic.

Sports to go further

Numerous sports that require specific supervision allow you to build muscle and let off steam at the same time.

You will find among these swimming, aquagym, rowing, Nordic walking, dancing, elliptical cycling, sports gymnastics, climbing or even yoga, which allows to stretch the spine, to find flexibility and tonicity.

Don’t forget to stretch after your sport!

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