Manual handling standard: which standards should be respected?
The X35 – 109 standard is a recommendation of the CNAMTS (Caisse Nationale de l’Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salariés) relating to the carrying of loads for workers. It originally dates from 1989 and defined manual handling and the first maximum loads. It started by defining limited load bearing during work actions according to gender and age. 20 years after its birth, a new update of the standard was necessary.
It is the ergonomic standard X35-109 of 2011 which gives today the thresholds not to be exceeded:
- This standard concerns “manual handling” activities
- It concerns the population from 18 to 65 years old without distinction of gender
- It does not apply in very degraded situation or involving new risks: slope or staircase…
- It does not concern loads of less than 3 kg